Wednesday, October 24, 2012

pretty fall...

anyone that knows me know that fall is my absolute favorite time of year... the pretty fall leaves, the cooler air, pumpkin everything, boots and scarves, hot chocolate... i could go on and on.

all these things really make me miss new england... especially when it's this time of year and i'm missing the prettiest fall you'll ever see. i'm pretty sure a good portion of my mission pictures are of pretty trees and fall leaves... and not to mention my huge bag full of leaves i collected while tracting. some day, some fall season i'll get back there... but for now, i'll share a few pictures of the best season ever:

brandon, vermont.

west rutland, vermont.

essix, vermont.

lake bomoseen, vermont.

and this last picture i just had to put up... this little shop has the best pumpkin ice cream ever. i'm pretty sure every wednesday when we would go up to brandon, vermont i would have to stop and get some yummy pumpkin ice cream... yummm.

and... can i just mention that i'm suuuuper excited for halloween!!! it's definitely my favorite holiday and once again, i'm making my husband dress up :) i'm pretty sure he hates that i get really into it and totally dictate his costume every year... but it's so much fun i just can't help myself! and next year, i'll have my little bambina to dress up too! makes me excited just thinking about it!
here's a picture from last halloween... and yes, austin is in tights ;) he loves me.

next up: halloweeeeeeeen post! :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously the leaves are so beautiful!! Wish we had some like that ha love your costumes last year can't wait to see what you are this year ;)
