Tuesday, March 12, 2013

iphone love

just a few pictures of my little nugget. she is just so precious.

a few things about miss chandler:

- she's totally a morning person... she loves the morning time... she talks and laughs and is all smiles. night time? hah, that's a different story.
-she sleeps from 9pm-8am... and let me tell you... it's the best thing ever.
-she's still in her newborn clothes... at her 2 month check-up, she was a whopping 9 pounds and almost 24 inches long. my littlee string bean.
-she hates socks and shoes... every time i make her wear them, they end up getting kicked off, hiding in her blanket, or on the floor.
-she loves ceiling fans... she just sits and stares at them. and when we turn them on, she gets super excited about it.

for my pictures of my baby c, follow me on instagram @ashleyhunt5


  1. That smile! Oh my gosh, she is the epitome of adorable. haha I love that she gets excited about ceiling fans. So funny.
